Text by John Robertson:
Let's build a wall A wall that will stand for many years A wall that will stand mighty and tall A wall that will stand for our differences Our fear Our ignorance This Grand wall will, of course, cost us quite dearly We will have to pull money from our schools We will have to pull money from our kitchens From Our own people But we won't need to have unpleasant conversations Look beyond where our wall will be and you will see the grave need People who hold different beliefs than us People who have a different culture than us People who look different culture than us People who look different than us On our side of the wall we will stick to our beliefs We will not integrate our culture We will not change our way of life We are better with this wall between us On their side they will have their ideas, and on our side ours.
We cannot learn from one another We cannot gain from one another Good walls make good neighbors anyway.
horn and narrator, text by John Robertson; ca. 10'; premiered by Sarah Degiralimo and Blaine Schultice at Baldwin Wallace’s Gamble Hall, Berea, OH, 2019
recording found here